Super Girls of Syria
A series of 5 animated movies by Syrian film maker Reem Takriti, showcasing the Project Soar empowerment program for Syrian girls, supported by the Swedish Postcode Foundation
Watch the live stream:
Watch the movies:
Girls Soar in Syria (GSS)
Thank you
to our generous donor for GSS
The Swedish Postcode Foundation
GSS aims to
increase IDP girl self-agency + enhance their chances for productive futures
increase IDP girl self-agency + enhance their chances for productive futures
“It is my right to be safe from violence.”
Soar Girls in Syria learn what violence is to be able to identify and say no to all of its forms.
The Situation in Syria
Syria has 6.5 million IDPs
more than any other nation
In the shadow of a 10-year civil war, millions of Syrian families had to leave behind stable homes and communities for their safety. Due to many Syrian’s forced internal displacement, Syrian teen girls who are Internally Displaced Persons are particularly vulnerable to dropping out of school early, gender-based violence, and child marriage.
Original Research
Project Soar, with Untold Research, conducted focus groups with Syrian internally displaced girls ages 13-15 and their parents to provide better understanding of Syrian internally displaced family dynamics and girls’ thoughts for their futures to inform curriculum adaptation.
A Soar Girl knows her:
She is confident, has high self-esteem, and respects her own worth and potential. She knows she's as valuable as a boy.
She communicates her thoughts clearly, debates effectively, and advocates for herself and others productively.
She understands changes in her body, manages her menstruation efficiently, and values her own health and wellness.
She embraces her right to an education and understands her right to be free from violence, sexual harassment, and early and forced marriage.
She cares about her education, conducts action planning with ease, and has tools to envision her future.
The Soar Curriculum
consists of 25 empowerment workshops. This Arabic and English language curriculum is based on these 5 modules that are central to every empowered girl:
Value, Voice, Body, Rights and Path
Scaling Approach:
Partner, Adapt + Include
Project Soar
seeks to use the adapted + scalable GSS curriculum to be part of a community-driven solution for internally displaced girls' global empowerment.
"Before the workshops, I was happy and excited to have the ring, dress and wedding. Now I'm excited to have a diploma! My dream is to be like you (GSS Facilitator)."
- Soar Girl in Syria