Girl’s Empowerment

Soar in a Bag

‘Soar in a Bag’ is our UN-backed Empowerment Curriculum kit.

Our award-winning 25 Workshop Empowerment Curriculum translates an international human rights education into an optimized curriculum designed for teen girls.

The curriculum modules, taught in Arabic and English, are based on the Project Soar 5 Principles of Empowerment and help underserved, marginalized girls understand their Value, Voice, Body, Rights & Path.

Packaged into a scalable, portable kit, Soar in a Bag provides all the tools needed for a team of 2 trained local women ‘Empowerment Facilitators’ to lead a ‘squad’ of 20 teen girls through the curriculum.

Over the course of the program, girls are mentored to increasingly facilitate the program themselves, creating a sustainable mechanism that fosters self-mastery of skills attained and peer to peer learning. This later leads to the creation of Soar Clubs and Soar Dialogues, ultimately enhancing their chances for brighter futures by staying and excelling in school, avoiding child marriage and thereby increasing their employability.

What’s in the Soar Bag?

5-Workshop supplies such as pens, colored pencils + markers, paper, sports cones, gym balls, hand sanitizer + masks.

6-Empowerment Journals - a personal notebook for each girl.

1-Soar Facilitator Training Manual: to help facilitators lead and adapt workshops to their particular group’s needs. These manuals include an overview of facilitation and learning methodologies and girl squad management techniques.

3-Reporting ToolKit containing baseline + endline surveys, attendance, feedback and evaluation forms, and post-module surveys.

2- Workshop Curriculum in Arabic - that includes each lesson plans, and a Soar Club Toolkit.

4-Sustainable Menstrual Kits with an educational brochure including instruction on usage and information on menstrual health care.

Our Curriculum

Soar Clubs

Our curriculum is built around 5 core pillars: Value, Voice, Body, Rights, and Path, each represented in its own module.

These 5 modules consist of 25 interactive workshops, blending affirmations, education, activities, meditation, and journaling, all led by trained local facilitators.

Our goal is to inspire young girls to stay committed to their education and equip them with the confidence to shape their own futures.

By focusing on education, we believe they can achieve lasting, sustainable success.

Soar Clubs create a safe space for girls to connect and support one another while practicing the leadership skills they have learned during the workshops. These clubs are girl-led and each one has elected officers who help steer the Club with the support of a Toolkit and their Facilitators. Typically, Clubs meet after school once a month over the academic year.

Soar Dialogues

Soar Dialogues

We get the communities involved through our Soar Dialogues: meetings with parents and civil society members that aim to educate and rally parents and community members to find solutions to the most pressing issues facing teen girls today including girls’ access to education, fighting childhood marriage, preventing sexual harassment, menstrual insecurity, and gender inequality.

These Dialogues provide an opportunity for the girls to work from the ground up to raise awareness and drive change towards shifting harmful social norms – because girls deserve to participate in the discussions where decisions are being made about their futures.

Soar Syria

In Syria, extreme poverty combined with traditional harmful societal norms and an unstable environment place adolescent girls at particular risk of dropping out of school, gender-based violence, and child marriage.

Adapted to the specific needs of Syrian teen girls, Project Soar Empowerment Curriculum is designed specifically to increase Syrian Internally Displaced girls’ self-agency, contribute to social cohesion between IDPs and host communities, and enhance vulnerable girls’ chances for productive futures.

After the program

100% of girl participants rejected the idea of getting married before 18.

100% of girls reported understanding that they are not the reason for sexual harassment but are the victims.

100% of girls reported understanding they have the right to decide who to marry. 

Soar Uganda


100% of Project Soar Girls avoided underage marriage compared to the national average of 40% of girl child marriages

100% of Project Soar girls avoided teen pregnancy compared to the national average of 25% of all girls

This project is funded by:

Sharon & Scott Nichols


Jody Cross

Georgia Brooks